Volume |
308.77 kilometers |
Government Primary School |
135 |
Total population |
4.59 lakhs |
Government Medical College |
03 |
East |
2.39 million |
Government college |
2 |
Ladies |
2.2 million |
Non-government college |
05 |
Population density |
1487 people / BKK |
Private college |
44 |
Municipality |
01. |
Private moods |
25 |
Union Council |
14th |
Ebtedayamadrasa |
21 |
Village |
112 |
Kindergarten |
17 |
literacy rate |
56.78% |
Private Sector: Primary school |
26 |
Hat Bazaar |
26 |
CommunityPhilichy |
14th |
NGOs |
20 |
Village population |
122 |
Geographical location of Chandpur Sadar upazila Size: 308.77 km, Total number: 4.59 lakh Male-2.29 lakh, Female-2.22 million
Matlab north and south upazila on the north, Faridanj and Haimchar in the south, Hajiganj upazila on the east, Sheratpur district on the west.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS