Chandpur Sadar Upazila is a notable river of Meghna, Dakatia. Chandpur Sadar Upazila is divided into 3/2 parts through the Tangi River.
Meghna- Originally from Assam's Lusai Hills, the Bay of Bengal has gone. The origin of the North River bank is originally in India. Later, the union of Meghna in Raipur upazila of Lippur district. Near the Mole Head, the river navigability of the river Meghna is more in Trinidi. There are steamers, launches, cargoes etc. in the movement. The fish found is in the Hilsha. Pangas etc. Notable fare halls are: Chowdhury Ghat or 10 no. Ghat, Coalghat, Dhalghat, Echali Ghat, Ghat No 5, Mel Ghat etc.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS