Chandulal Sadar Upazila is located in the district of Sujla, Safla and Meghna. Meghna river is one of the main sources of livelihood for the people of this area. In addition to the vast presence of fisheries, many enlightened people of agricultural work, business and other profession have made this upazila rich. Chandpur sadar upazila and active participation in the country as well as active participation in the form of illiteracy, prejudice and poverty free country. In order to build equality, human dignity and fair society, all those involved in Sadar upazila alone must cooperate.
I wish all success and prosperity of this upazila.
Kaniz Fatema
Upazila Nirbahi Officer, Chandpur Sadar.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS